Salvation Plan

This article reviews the step by step progression of Yahweh’s salvation plan for saints today.  It is the intent of this article to hit highlights of Yahweh’s step by step salvation plan through the end of the ages with references made to articles that detail each step through an amazing journey.


First of all, the English word “salvation” is from the Greek word #4991 “soteria”, which is derived from #4990 “soter”.  Although these Greek words can have a general meaning of “deliverance” or “preservation”, the meaning of salvation we are using is the spiritual and eternal deliverance granted by Yahweh to receive his inheritance (i.e. all of His promises).  Salvation is to be part of the “better resurrection” (Hebrews 11:35).  The “better resurrection” includes becoming like Messiah, that is being glorified, incorruptible, and immortal, living and reigning with Messiah for 1,000 years on earth, receiving power, and ultimately being royalty in Yahweh’s house in New Jerusalem (i.e. being able to enter the gates).  Saints that receive salvation in this age are sometimes referred to in the Scriptures as Firstfruit, Firstborn, and the Bride of Messiah.


The first step in Yahweh’s salvation plan is that a person must be called by Yahweh through the preaching of the evangel.   It is clear that not all are being called today and there is more than one time of salvation outlined in the Scriptures.  It is also clear in the Scriptures that Yahweh is the one who decides when a person is called.  And if you study the Word of Yahweh, the evangel is about Messiah and His coming kingdom.  


Messiah, in that He is our savior who emptied Himself of His glory to become a man.  That He suffered and was persecuted for righteousness sake, even though He was a sinless man.  That He died a horrific death, being crucified on a stake, hung on a living tree.  Messiah shed His blood for mankind’s sins and was the perfect sacrifice for sin.  He was in the grave three days and three nights and is the first human to be resurrected from the dead to a glorified state.  Our Savior is the Firstfruit of the resurrection and currently sits at the right hand (power) of the Father in heaven.


The evangel is not only about Messiah life, death, and resurrection but includes that He is again returning to Earth to set-up His 1,000-year kingdom.  And that we can participate in that coming kingdom, ruling with Messiah as priest and kings, if we abide in the Scriptural salvation plan.


Once a person is called by the evangel, he or she will either turn toward the truth or take it lightly.  If a person takes their calling lightly, the truth is then taken away from them by the wicked one.  If they turn towards the truth of the Evangel, they begin to understand that they are sinners in need of a savior. They believe that they have a creator and need to obey their creator.


For more information on this first step in the salvation plan of being called and having faith to follow that calling, please read “Called, Chosen, and Faithful”.


After hearing the evangel and being pricked in their hearts to believe, the next step in the salvation plan is repentance. 


In order to repent, a person must believe he is a sinner and has come short of the glory of Yahweh.  So, knowing that they are sinners, they learn what sin means.  And the only way to understand Yahweh’s definition of sin is to study Yahweh’s Word and pray for truth.  A person cannot use their own definition of sin and what is right and wrong.  It has to come from the Holy Scriptures that clearly defines sin.


Before we move on, let’s examine the word “sin”.  The main Hebrew word in the Scriptures for “sin” is “chata/chattath” and in the Greek, “hamartano/hamartia”.  The meaning of these words for sin revolve around two major concepts. The first is that of transgression. To transgress means “to go beyond a set boundary or limit” that Yahweh has set. The second concept is to “miss the mark or standard” set by Yahweh. 


So, once a person understand Yahweh’s definition of sin, repentance is not just stopping doing those sinful acts.  Repentance means replacing sin with good works, that is the righteousness of Yahweh.  Again, we just don’t stop doing sin, but must replace it with good works.   And the righteousness of Yahweh is obeying His Law and commandments, including the covenant Ten Commandments.  Because when there is a void after removing sin, the carnal mind may want to fill the void with other worse sin.


For more information on this important topic, please read “How do you know that you are sinning?”.


So, after being called by the evangel and responding to the calling, in faith a person starts to follow Yahweh and His Word.  They realize that they are sinners and turn away from sin and replace it with the righteousness of Yahweh.  That is repentance.   After repentance, the next step in the Salvation plan is water baptism.


Water baptism is  a critical next step in the salvation plan.  It is necessary to receiving Yahweh’s Holy Spirit, which is a person’s seal of salvation (Ephesians 1:13 & 4:30 and 2 Corinthians 1:22).  Water is a cleansing agent used in the Scriptures and water baptism is part of Yahweh’s plan to remit sins to allow for the infilling of the Holy Spirit.  Water baptism also represents the death of the believer’s old self, washed by Messiah’s blood, so he can be raised up in His likeness. 


Scriptures tells us that a proper water baptism must include the following elements. First, there is only one name that must be used in water baptism.  It is the name of life…Yahweh(Shua)!  For more information on our savior’s glorified name, please read “The Name of Inheritance by George Gabler” and “The Great Riddle…what is the Son’s Glorified Name?”.  There must be a confession of faith prior to water baptism.  This faith includes that YahwehShua is the Messiah, the son of Yahweh, and that through water baptism in YahwehShua name sins will be remitted.   Lastly a person must be fully immersed in water in an upright manner. 


For more information on this important topic, please read “Does a believer need to be water baptized for salvation?


The next step in the salvation plan after a person is water baptized is the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Again, having the Holy Spirit dwell in a believer is our seal of salvation. If you read the book of Acts, which is about the early assembly, we find many instances of laying on of hands after water baptism which allowed a person to receive Yahweh’s Holy Spirit.  We also find in 1 Timothy 4:14 and 1 Timothy 5:17-22 that the laying on of hands for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit was done by the elders including warnings that elders should not lay hands on those who are sinning. 


Although the infilling of the Holy Spirit was not always accompanied by the laying on of Hands (See Acts 10 – House of Cornelius), why would anyone not want the elders to lay hands on them after they believed, repented and were water baptized in the name of YahwehShua?

For more information on laying on of hands and receiving the Holy Spirit, please read “Laying on of Hands”.


The next step in the plan of salvation after receiving Yahweh’s spirit is for a saint to continue in their walk with the Almighty.  Saints must continue to bear fruit (i.e. do good works) by keeping Yahweh’s commandments.  They need to be sure they are multiplying the gifts that Yahweh has given them.  And lastly, they cannot continually, willfully sin, that is to know to do good, but don’t do it.  Otherwise, believers risk falling away and quenching the Holy Spirit.


Scriptures are clear, believers must finish the race that Yahweh has set out before them and endure to the end.  Remember the gate is narrow and saints need to make their calling and election sure.


Once saved, always saved (“OSAS”) or sometimes called the Doctrine of Eternal Security, is a false doctrine that permeates Christianity.  Many so-called “giants” of the Christian faith espouse this doctrine.  So, what is the doctrine of OSAS?  It is a guarantee from the Almighty that once the gift of salvation is possessed, defined as when a person receives Christ into his heart by faith, this gift of salvation cannot be lost. 


OSAS proponents believe the receiving of Christ into believers’ heart is a one-time mental event and no works or human conduct of any kind are required to receive salvation.  Good works that believers do after receiving salvation, including water baptism, are merely a sign that believers have already been saved.  Those espousing OSAS explain away believers’ departure from the faith by saying that they never really received salvation in the first place.  That is, they never truly received Christ into their heart by faith.


But this doctrine contradicts many Scriptures which tell us that somewhere between the initial belief in Messiah and the entrance to the Kingdom of Yahweh, saints can fall away and not receive salvation.   


For more information on the importance of obeying Yahweh’s teachings until the end,  please read “Satan’s Great Lie:  Once Saved, Always Saved”.


So, what does it mean to endure “to the end”?  The end of what?  “To the end” can mean two things to a saint in this age.  First, “to the end” can mean to the end of their life.  The second meaning is to the end of this age, when Messiah Yahweh returns to earth to set-up His 1,000-year kingdom.  And when Messiah returns to earth to set-up His kingdom, saints still alive will be “caught-up” to meet Him in the clouds.  But, first to meet Messiah in the clouds are the dead in Messiah (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). 


There are three different doctrines in Christianity regarding saints being “caught up” to meet Messiah at the end of this age.  Two are unscriptural. 


The first position is called the Pre-Tribulation doctrine.  This position claims that saints who are alive will be “caught up” to safety in heaven before the Tribulation begins, which is seven years before Messiah’s return.  This doctrine is not Scriptural.


The second doctrinal position is a modification of the first and is called the Mid-Tribulation doctrine.  This position claims that saints who are alive will be “caught up” to safety in heaven before the Great Tribulation begins, which is three and half years before Messiah’s return.  This doctrine is also not Scriptural.


The third doctrinal position, which is Scriptural, is that saints who are alive before the Tribulation will have to endure this horrific time period.  This is called the Post-Tribulation doctrine. 


It is also clear that those gathered at Messiah’s Second Coming who will be “caught up” in the clouds will neither stay in the clouds nor return permanently to heaven to dwell, as some imagine.  Messiah is coming again to establish His kingdom over all the nations with His saints on Earth, where He will be King of kings and Sovereign of sovereigns.


For more information on when believers will be “caught up” with Messiah at His second coming to establish His 1,000 year reign, please read “The Gathering of the Saints


Saints both alive and dead that are gathered at Messiah’s Second Coming will be Priests and Kings with Messiah for 1,000 year on earth.  Saints of this age and ages past will be part of the first or better resurrection to glory.  At this point our salvation is secure and cannot be taken away from us!  At this point we will receive all the promises in the Scriptures.


And when saints are “caught up” in the clouds at Messiah return, we will be rewarded by being like Messiah and we shall see Him as He is!  That is what is meant by being glorified!  Saints will no longer be flesh and blood influenced by our carnal nature.


While believers continue to sin in this present age, another reward of glorification at the first resurrection is the inability to sin.  That is we will become incorruptible.  Remember, saints will be like Messiah who knows no sin. 



Yet another reward for saints when we are glorified at Messiah’s Second Coming is that we will never again experience death!  So not only will saints be incorruptible, we will also be immortal!


During Messiah’s 1,000-year rule on Earth, He will put down Satan, his dominion, and the kingdoms of this world.  Again, Messiah will be King of kings and Sovereign of sovereign, ruling with an iron rod and will probably be called YahwehSdikenu (i.e. Yahweh our righteousness).  Saints will rule the nations along with Messiah for those 1,000 years as the next step in Yahweh’s salvation plan.


During Messiah’s kingdom on Earth, the nations will learn Yahweh’s righteous ways and there will be unparalleled peace.  Imagine being part of a world without violence, wars and rumors of wars!  Not only will glorified saints and the whole world know Yahweh’s righteous ways and have peace but the planet will be transformed from a wasteland into a Garden of Eden.  Earth will become a paradise and sickness and disease will be healed!


The earth during this time will be a place of peace, happiness, and love.  All social, political, and ecological problems will be corrected through the righteous administration of YahwehSdikenu and His saints.  What a glorious time it will be!!!


For more information on being part of the first resurrection, also known as the firstfruit of the resurrection, and part of the better resurrection, please read “The Reward”.


After the 1,000-year reign is completed, there is an additional and final age of Yahweh’s plan of the ages and overall salvation plan.  This last age of the ages is sometimes called The Last Great Day.  It is a time when the dead not resurrected to glory at Messiah’s Second Coming are resurrected to flesh-and-blood existence on this earth.  The Last Great Day is also a time when Yahweh’s Holy Spirit is poured out on all flesh-and-blood who have never received His Spirit (Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17).  It is a time when those resurrected to flesh-and-blood existence and given Yahweh’s Holy Spirit will have the choice to repent and obey Yahweh or to turn away from the truth.


During this last age of the ages, Satan will be let loose for “a little season”. And as we continue to read in the book of Revelation, this time frame is not for a few days but an extended period of time, when Satan will again deceive the nations.  An interesting note is that those deceived by Satan during the Last Great Day, who come against the Holy City of Jerusalem, are “the number of whom is as the sand of the sea” (Revelation 20:7).  Therefore it appears many will be deceived. 


It is clear through the revelation of YahwehShua that the rest of the dead who are resurrected after the 1,000-year reign of Messiah will make up the bulk of the nations.  As a side note, there is a possibility that some human beings will still be alive from Messiah’s 1,000-year reign on earth.


At the beginning of the Last Great Day, billions of people will be resurrected from the previous ages.  Messiah’s 1,000-year kingdom on earth, ruled by Yahweh Messiah and glorified believers who are priests and kings, will prepare for this event.  There must be clothing, food, and shelter for this great mass resurrection from the dead.   Think about the magnitude of this event.  If there are as many as 100 billion people resurrected to flesh-and-blood existence and they live in sustainable cities of 1,000,000 each, there would need to be 100,000 cities ready and waiting complete with clothing, food, and shelter.


And being Holy Spirit filled, every man during the Last Great Day will know Yahweh and His Word!


Have you ever wondered what will happen to the billions of people who have died, never learning of Messiah and His evangel?  Many Christian denominations claim those people, in most cases by no fault of their own, will burn in hell forever.  But would a just, merciful, and loving Mighty One really do this?  Does this sound like fair judgment?  The Scriptural answer is no. The Almighty does not consign billions of people who died, never learning of Messiah and His evangel, to an eternal state of torture.


The end of the Last Great Day, that is the last age of the ages, culminates in the “White Throne Judgment”, the Lake of Fire, the destruction of the existing Heavens and Earth replaced by a New Heavens and Earth, and the reconciliation of unrepentant man who was destroyed by the Lake of Fire (i.e. the second death). 


With death and the grave destroyed by the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:14) and the coming of the New Heavens and Earth, life triumphs over death.  All mankind will be given life including unrepentant man in the New Heavens and Earth.  Yahweh makes all things new. 


All of mankind ever created will be incorruptible and immortal.  Those who did Yahweh’s will shall have the right to enter New Jerusalem (Revelation 22:14) where Yahweh and His Lamb reside. This is the final step of Yahweh’s salvation plan.  Saints will dwell with the Father and the Son in New Jerusalem forever!


Those who did not repent will be outside the gates of New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:27 and 22:15).  Those outside the gates who were unrepentant do not receive the reward of inheritance (see parable of the prodigal son), are not considered the Firstborn, or the Bride of Messiah, and can never enter the gates of New Jerusalem. 


In the New Heavens and Earth, there will be no more sin.  And because there is no sin, there will be no death, sorrow, crying, or pain.  And because there is no sin, mankind is able to be with Yahweh and His lamb.  So Yahweh’s plan for the ages culminates in the reconciliation of mankind in the New Heaven’s and Earth.  Yahweh’s final solution for all of mankind who ever lived is life!


For more information on this very important topic of the reconciliation of mankind, please read “Yahweh’s Supreme Love”. 


For more information on the last age of the ages, and the New Heaven and Earth, please read “The Last Great Day”.


It is amazing that Yahweh’s Feast Days found in Leviticus 23 reflect the plan of salvation, which includes His plan for the ages.  His Feast Days show an incredible journey that believers look forward to and is an additional reason that a true saint will want to participate in these appointed times. Below is a brief recap of Yahweh’s Feast Days.


Passover- Passover involves belief and faith that Yah’shua was our perfect Passover lamb. (1 Corinthians 5:7). 


For more information on Passover, please read “Passover and Easter”.


Unleavened Bread – Unleavened Bread symbolizes removal of sin (i.e. repentance) from our lives.  This feast culminates with water baptism on the last High Day of Unleavened Bread.


For more information on this feast, please read “Hag HaMatzot – Feast of Unleavened Bread”.


Pentecost – Pentecost represents the New Covenant where Yahweh puts His law in believer’s hearts and minds.  This New Covenant was initiated on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) with the outpouring and indwelling of the Holy Spirit in believers. 


For more information on this feast, please read “Pentecost (Hag Shabuwa)”.


Shouting – Trumpets or Shouting represents Messiah’s return to this earth as King of kings and the resurrection and glorification of believers. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). 


For more information on this feast, please read “Yom Teruah…Day of Shouting


Atonement – Day of Atonement represents the covering of sins for Israel and all flesh-and-blood who are left after Messiah’s return.  This day also represents Satan being bound for 1,000 years from his position over this earth. 


For more information on this feast, please read “Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement”.


Tabernacles – The Feast of Sukkoth (Tabernacles) represents Messiah’s 1,000-year reign on earth as King of kings and Sovereign of sovereigns.  It is a time of great peace and good will toward men.  It is the time when Yahweh Messiah will rule the earth with an iron rod with believers who are resurrected to glory.  


For more information on this feast, please read “Feast of Tabernacles (Hag Sukkot)”.


The Last Great Day – The LGD represent Yahweh’s last age of the ages.  It is a time when the rest of the dead are resurrected to flesh and blood existence. It is also a time when Yahweh’s pours out His Holy Spirt to all that have never received it.  The end of the LGD is the time of final judgment (“White Throne Judgment”), the Lake of Fire, the destruction of the existing Heavens and Earth replaced by a New Heavens and Earth, and the reconciliation of unrepentant man who was destroyed by the Lake of Fire (i.e. the second death). 


For more information on this feast, please read “The Last Great Day”.


Yahweh step by step salvation plan is an amazing journey for believers.  Although we can only comprehend some of Yahweh’s salvation plan, there is a glorious future for those who put their trust in YahwehShua. 


As Paul quoted the prophet Isaiah in 1 Corinthians 2:9 “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which Elohim hath prepared for them that love him.” and plainly stated in 13:12 “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known”.













